Fossa Magna Series

 KEY’S RACING STEERINGの成功によって絶大なる信頼を築いてきたKEY’S RACINGのもう一方の雄が”Fossa Magna” seriesをリリースです。 KEY’S RACING STEERING series同様、ドライバーが唯一肌で接しつづけているステアリングだけに一切の妥協を許さず開発されています。その作り込みの正しさが高く評価され、国内外の超本格的モータースポーツシーンで増殖中。それに加え”Fossa Magna”は、新たにsuper dress steeringの世界を開拓。せっかくのステアリングなのだからもっともっとアグレッシプに!というユーザーのハートに響いたようです。
もちろん造り込みはホンモノ。サーキットで戦う全日本級レーシングドライバーだけでなく、D1シード選手はどうやら”Fossa Magna”に特に人気が高いようです。性能だけではなく、個性的なデザインが最大の特徴です。

“Fossa Magna”(フォッサマグナ)とは「地質学的な溝」を意味します。縦に長い日本列島をほぼ中央で分断するように強く深い溝が存在します。それが”Fossa Magna”(フォッサマグナ)と呼ばれるもので、富士山をはじめ黒姫山、妙高山、八ヶ岳、箱根といった火山列を抱えております。

Key’s Racing has gained considerable credibility thanks to the success of Key’s Racing Steering Wheels. Now the other pillar of the Key’s Racing brand is the Fossa Magna series of steering wheels and a matching gear shift knob. As with Key’s Racing Steering Wheels, we did not compromise during the process of developing and engineering these unique products that drivers touch and through which they feel their machines. The right approach to product-making has won high acclaim and attracted an increasing number of drivers competing in the serious motorsport scenes both in Japan and overseas. The Fossa Magna series pioneered the world of “super dress” steering wheels and has captured the hearts of drivers who want to add aggressiveness to their steering wheels.
Needless to say, our attention to detail proves our seriousness. Fossa Magna products have been chosen in particular by All Japan-level racing drivers who compete in championships, as well as seeded drivers competing in D1 championships. Besides the performance of these products, their most notable characteristic is their unique design.

Fossa Magna refers to a geological fault. A deep, wide fault lies roughly in the center of the Japanese archipelago stretching from north to south as if to server the islands. That area, or fault, is called the Fossa Magna and contains several volcanoes, including mountains like Fuji, Kurohime, Myoko, Yatsugadake, and Hakone.

Fossa Magna Series
Fossa Magna Series

Fossa Magna Series FLAT Type


Fossa Magna Series SEMI-DEEP Type


 「華やかさ」が特徴です。KEY’S RACING steering と同様、競技志向のドライバーの多くが好んで使用するのがこのフラット型です。握りが太く、剛性感も強い。握りの部分には添えた掌や指に自然にフィットするような凹凸がもうけてあります。フレアーを主体にした華やかなデザインが存在感を主張します。

“Gorgeous” is the perfect word to describe this product. Just like Key’s Racing Original Steering Wheels, this Flat Type has been popular among competition-oriented drivers. It features a thick grip and high stiffness. The areas where the driver’s palm and fingers touch the wheel have dimples that fit well in a natural way. The beautiful design expressing flare exerts a strong presence.

Fossa Magna Series FLAT TypeKEY’S RACING STEERINGと同じように、手のひらに馴染むバックスキンタイプと光沢の美しいレザータイプがラインナップされています。赤いステッチがアクセントとなり、オレンジとイエローの鮮やかなロゴとのコントラストが個性を主張します。

As with Key’s Racing Original Steering Wheels, the product is available wrapped in either comfortably fitting Suede or glossy, beautiful-looking Smooth Leather. Red stitching serves as a decorative accent, making a contrast with the logo in bright orange and yellow to express strong individuality.


  • バックスキンとレザータイプがあります。
  • それぞれに325φと350φがあります。
  • ボスはナルディタイプをご使用ください。
  • ボス面に対してグリップの中心が20mmほど手前になります。

Wrap: Suede or Smooth Leather
Diameter: 325mm or 350mm
Steering wheel boss: Nardi specified
Position: The wheel center sits 20mm toward the driver from the surface of the steering wheel boss.

Fossa Magna Series SEMI-DEEP Type


Fossa Magna Series FLAT Type



While this type features the same robust grip as the Flat Type, its depth is between those of the Flat Type and the Deep Type. Whereas the wheel centers of the Flat Type and the Deep Type respectively sit 20mm and 80mm towards the driver from the surface of the steering wheel boss, the center of the Semi-Deep Type sits 50mm towards the driver. This design was created to meet the high expectations of professional-level drivers who are more meticulous about their driving positions.

Fossa Magna Series SEMI-DEEP Type

“Fossa Magna” seriesの特徴のひとつは、その華やかなロゴをバックサイドにも施したことでもあります。つまり、ドライバーの目に飛び込むフロントサイドだけでなく、愛車に歩み寄るそのときに、フロントガラス越しに自らの存在を意識できるのです。羨望の眼差しを集めることにもなります。 (“Fossa Magna” seriesすべてに対応しています)

One of the characteristics of the Fossa Magna series is the gorgeous logo featured on the backside of the steering wheel too. That is to say, in addition to the logo on the front side, which catches the driver’s eye, there is another logo on the backside that can be seen through the windshield as the driver approaches his/her car. It must draw envious stares. (This feature applies across all Fossa Magna steering wheels.)

Fossa Magna Series SEMI-DEEP Type


Its sculpted shape and vivid flare add spice to its character. The Fossa Magna logo in gradations of color from yellow to orange is embroidered on the right and left sides of the steering wheel spokes.


  • バックスキンとレザータイプがあります。
  • それぞれに325φと350φがあります。
  • ボスはナルディタイプをご使用ください。
  • ボス面に対してグリップの中心が50mmほど手前になります。

Wrap: Suede or Smooth Leather
Diameter: 325mm or 350mm
Steering wheel boss: Nardi specified
Position: The wheel center sits 50mm from the surface of the steering wheel boss toward the driver.

Fossa Magna Series DEEP Type


Fossa Magna Series DEEP Type



More than a few drivers choose the Deep Type based on their vehicle type or preferred driving position and other personal preferences. This deep-cone steering wheel is characterized by its wheel center sitting 80mm toward the driver from the surface of the steering wheel boss. Another characteristic is that the wheel’s grip has shallower dimples, making it easier for drivers to turn the steering wheel quickly in an aggressive manner. It has proved popular especially among drivers who prefer having a little more room for their arms to bend slightly.

Fossa Magna Series DEEP Type


Three spokes extending to the center hub feature characteristic punched holes. Detailed design elements located farther away from the driver’s eye line are also appealing.

Fossa Magna Series DEEP Type


Its wheel center sits 80mm towards the driver from the surface of the steering wheel boss. It has gained popularity among drivers who prefer positioning the steering wheel closer to their bodies. Also, many drivers competing in the All Japan Rally Car Championships have chosen this steering wheel.


  • バックスキンとレザータイプがあります。
  • それぞれに330φと350φがあります。。
  • ボスはモモタイプをご使用ください。
  • ディープタイプは、ボス面に対してグリップの中心が80mmほど手前になります。

Wrap: Suede or Smooth Leather
Diameter: 330mm or 350mm
Steering wheel boss: MOMO specified
Position: The wheel center sits 80mm toward the driver from the surface of the steering wheel boss.

Fossa Magna Series D-SHAPE Type


Fossa Magna Series D-SHAPE Type



To complement our lineup of products with round designs, we offer this D-shaped type featuring a straight line at the bottom. A deep-cone steering wheel tends to be preferred among drivers competing in the D1 Grand Prix series and rally car drivers, who need to turn frequently and manipulate the steering wheel quickly and aggressively. On the other hand, many racing car drivers and city drivers value highly the Flat Type or this D-Shaped Type.

Fossa Magna Series D-SHAPE Type

Dシェイプにも、”Fossa Magna” seriesの特徴であるバックデザインが施されております。愛車をそとから眺めたときに、一層の個性が刺激的です。

The D-Shaped Type shares with other products in this series the characteristic Fossa Magna logo on the backside of the steering wheel. Owners find this feature, viewed from outside the car, quite distinctive and appealing.

Fossa Magna Series D-SHAPE Type

ホーンボタンも鮮やかなオレンジでデザインしました。スポークにもさりげなく、” KEY’S “ロゴをシルク印刷しております。

The horn button has a bright orange cap. A serigraph KEY’S logo is featured on the bottom spoke in a subtle manner.


  • バックスキンとレザータイプがあります。
  • ホイール中心径は345×320mmのみとなります。
  • ボスはナルディタイプをご使用ください。
  • ボス面に対してグリップの中心が、50mmほど手前になります。

Wrap: Suede or Smooth Leather
Steering wheel boss: Nardi specified
Position: The wheel center sits 50mm toward the driver from the surface of the steering wheel boss.

Fossa Magna Series DRIFT Type


Fossa Magna Series DRIFT Type

KEY’S FossaMagna 345 DriftOne$ BLACK-ORANGE刺繍


This product is designed exclusively for drift driving. It is based on the Semi-Deep Type, but we have removed all the dimples from the grip. When driving on city streets, driving on winding roads, or driving aggressively under marginal conditions on race tracks, the driver’s hands must “interlock” firmly with the steering wheel and we therefore generally add dimples to the internal surface of the wheel. But for drift driving, where drivers sometimes “cut” the wheel extremely hard, the dimples could interfere with the intended manipulation. That’s why we removed the dimples.

Fossa Magna Series DRIFT Type


The biggest characteristic is the removal of the dimples from the steering wheel. This is good for swinging the wheel.

Fossa Magna Series DRIFT Type

握りの頂点には、KEY’S RACINGのロゴを高品質糸で刺繍を施しています。

The vertex of the steering wheel features the KEY’S RACING logo embroidered in quality thread.


  • バックスキンとレザータイプがあります。
  • ホイール中心径は345φのみとなります。
  • ボスはナルディタイプをご使用ください。
  • ボス面に対してグリップの中心が、50mmほど手前になります。

Wrap: Suede or Smooth Leather
Diameter: 345mm only
Steering wheel boss: Nardi specified
Position: The wheel center sits 50mm toward the driver from the surface of the steering wheel boss.

Fossa Magna Series Shift Knob

Fossa Magna Series Shift Knob

 Fossa Magnaシリーズのシフトノブ。ステアリングの質 感や完成度をそのままシフトノブに移植したのです。コンマ1 秒を争う素早いシフト 操作をこなせるよう、握り心地の良さやグリップ感にこだわりました。デザインテイストも踏襲しています。ステアリングと同時に愛用していただければ、個性的なコクピットが完成するはずです。

The Fossa Magna Series also includes a gear shift knob. In developing this product, we incorporated into it the texture and level of perfection of our steering wheels. To enable drivers to move the lever in a fraction of a second, maximum consideration was given to comfort and the feel of gripping the knob. The knob shares the same design themes as the steering wheel. I think that using our shift knob along with one of our steering wheels will give you a personalized cockpit.

Fossa Magna Series Shift Knob


As with our steering wheels, it is offered with a Suede or a Smooth Leather wrap. Nonslip Suede is recommended for hard driving, while Smooth Leather is ideal for city driving and the creation of a stylish cockpit.

Fossa Magna Series Shift Knob

ヘッドの下端には、☆KEY’S RACING☆のロゴを立体的刻んだリングを組み込んでいます。

A three-dimensional rendition of our KEY’S RACING logo is engraved on a ring at the bottom of the knob.

Features of compatible vehicles

■ ゲート式タイプ(クロームキャップを使用)


■ Using a gate-type automatic transmission (to be replaced with a chrome cap)
Original factory-fitted knob is removable and original factory shaft measures 8mm or 10mm in diameter.
Any screw pitch is OK.
Toyota, Mazda, Honda, Daihatsu, Mercedes, etc.

■ マニュアル式タイプ(ブラックキャップを使用)


■ Using a manual transmission (to be replaced with a black cap)
Original factory-fitted knob is removable and original factory shaft measures 10mm, 12mm, or 14mm in diameter.
Any screw pitch is OK.

Package includes

Fossa Magna Series Shift Knob

  1. クロームアンダーキャップ x 1個
  2. ブラックアンダーキャップ x 1個
  3. 樹脂インナー x 3個
  4. 固定ネジ x 9個
    (M3 4mm長・6mm長・8mm長)
  5. 固定ネジ用L型レンチ x 1個
  1. 1 pcs x Chrome bottom cover
  2. 1 pcs x Black bottom cover
  3. 3 pcs x Resin inner sleeve (8–10, 12, 14mm in diameter)
  4. 9 pcs x Fixing screw (M3 / 4, 6, 8mm in length)
  5. 1 pcs x Hex key for fixing screws

製品の取り付け方法 How to Install


  1. 純正シフトノブを外す。
  2. 製品のアンダーキャップ(クロームかブラック)を純正シャフト内に落としておく。
  3. 純正シャフトのネジ径に合う、付属の樹脂インナーを固定する。
  4. 製品を純正シフトに被せるように差し込む。
  5. 製品本体を純正シャフト径に合う、付属のネジで固定する。
  6. アンダーキャップを固定された製品本体に固定する。


Installation procedure

  1. Remove original factory gear shift knob.
  2. Drop bottom cover (either chrome or black) onto original factory shaft.
  3. Fix resin inner sleeve compatible with screw diameter of factory shaft.
    (a) Resin inner sleeve edge bearing number (i.e., 10, 12, or 14) should be at top.
    (b) Resin inner sleeve is fixed not by tightening screws but by threading sleeve.
    (c) Resin inner sleeve is used only to stabilize upper part of shaft, after product has been fixed with three screws as described below.
  4. Put knob over top of original shaft.
  5. Fix knob with screws that fit diameter of holes in factory shaft.
    (a) Do not fix screws over resin inner sleeve.
    (b) Fix three screws directly to factory shaft.
  6. Fix bottom cover to knob.

◆The product is 85mm long inside. If the original factory shaft is longer than 120mm, the product may be fixed in a high position.
On the other hand, if the original shaft is short, for instance around 100mm in length, the product needs to be fixed at a relatively high position on the original shaft. In this case, the bottom part of the resin inner sleeve needs to be trimmed to prevent it from interfering with the screws.
(The resin inner sleeve can be cut easily with a cutter. Be careful when handling the cutter.)
Because the fixing positon of the product is arbitrary, you can decide where to fix it.

Fossa Magna Series Shift Knob


◆Use of screws in the kit
For original factory shaft measuring 8 or 10mm in diameter: Use 6mm-long screws.
For original factory shaft measuring 12 or 14mm in diameter: Use 4mm-long screws.

お申し込み方法 − How to Order –

商品の在庫に関しては、お問い合わせフォームかFAXでお問い合わせください。(FAX: 03-5725-6188)

Fill out the order form below and email it or fax your order with the required information. For inquiries regarding inventory, please ask by Contact Form or fax (fax: 045-264-4162).
Upon receiving your order, we will email you an order confirmation. Please allow several days for receipt of your order confirmation.
Unfortunately, shipping is limited to destinations inside Japan.
Please attach English translations.

商品名 Product Name
種類 Material
お名前  Your Name
郵便番号 Post Code
住所 Address
電話番号 Telephone Number
メールアドレス Email Address
支払い方法 Payment Method

右の画像の文字を入力して、送信ボタンをクリックしてください。(CAPTCHA)  captcha


・All information must be provided for us to process orders via email.
・Do not use one-byte katakana characters.




クーリングオフは商品到着後 1週間以内にお願いいたします。その際、返送にかかる費用はご負担願います。その他不明な点はメールにてお問い合わせください。

Payment Method

Shipping is free, except for destinations in Okinawa and on remote islands. All prices include consumption tax.
For “payable on receipt” service, we cover the handling fee. For “bank transfer” service, we ask that you pay the handling fee.


The cooling off period is within one week from the day you receive our product. We ask that you cover the cost of return shipping. Please send email with any questions regarding cancellation.